Understanding Newborn Sleep

Ah, sleep. That glorious word that seems to vanish entirely the moment you bring a newborn home.  New parents are bombarded with questions, and one of the most frequent? “How much should my newborn sleep?”

The answer, unfortunately, isn’t a simple one. Newborns are notorious for their unpredictable sleep patterns, often leaving parents feeling exhausted and confused. But rest assured, there is a method to the madness!

newborn sleep, feeding

Here’s a breakdown of typical newborn sleep:

  • Total sleep: Newborns typically need 14-17 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. However, this sleep is spread out in short bursts, usually 1-2 hours at a time. Their awake times are also short; about 45-60 minute windows.
  • No day/night concept: Newborns haven’t yet developed a circadian rhythm, which means they don’t differentiate between day and night. This can lead to long stretches of nighttime wakefulness, followed by seemingly random daytime naps. They also do not produce their own melatonin until around 9-15 weeks of age. They are born with a reserve of melatonin accumulated from the mother’s supply during their time in the womb.
  • Frequent feeding: Newborns need to eat frequently to grow and develop. Breastfed babies may nurse every 1-3 hours, while bottle-fed babies might go a little longer between meals (3-4 hours). These frequent feedings naturally disrupt sleep patterns. Watch my IG reel about newborn feeding!

So, why does this matter?  

Because those unpredictable sleep stretches can wreak havoc on your own sleep schedule!  It’s completely normal to feel frustrated and exhausted.  Here are some tips to help you navigate the early days:

  • Follow your baby’s cues: Newborns communicate through cries, but they also have sleep cues like yawning, fussiness, and quiet alertness. Learn your baby’s cues and respond accordingly.
  • Embrace the flexibility: Ditch the rigid schedule for now. Go with the flow and respond to your baby’s needs.
  • Daytime: Contrary to popular belief, you want to start exposing your newborn to natural light during the day and wake frequently (every few hours) to feed during the day.
  • Bedtime routine: Even newborns can benefit from a simple bedtime routine. This might include a warm bath, a gentle massage, and quiet singing. Newborns do better with a later “bedtime,” more like 10-11pm. 
  • Establish a safe sleep environment: A dark, quiet room with a firm mattress is ideal for promoting safe sleep; and a white noise machine!

Still feeling lost in the land of no sleep?  

You are not alone!  As a registered nurse and IBCLC (lactation consultant), I can help you navigate the whirlwind of newborn sleep.

Here’s how I can support you:

  • Develop a personalized sleep plan: Together we can create a plan that considers your baby’s temperament, feeding cues, and your own sleep needs.
  • Offer guidance on safe sleep practices: I can ensure you have the knowledge and tools to create a safe sleep environment for your precious little one.
  • Help establish calming routines: A consistent bedtime routine can work wonders in promoting better sleep for both you and your baby.
  • Address feeding challenges: Frequent hunger pangs can disrupt sleep. If you’re facing breastfeeding difficulties, I can help ensure your baby is getting enough milk and feeding efficiently.
  • Provide ongoing support: This journey doesn’t have to be walked alone. I’m here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and offer encouragement every step of the way.

Remember, every baby is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to sleep.  With a little patience, realistic expectations, understanding, and the right support, you can establish healthy sleep habits for your newborn and get that precious rest you deserve.

Book a 15 minute free phone call with me now! Don’t wait! Let’s work together to create a plan that promotes restful nights for both you and your baby! 

Learn more about my newborn & postpartum packages HERE and book one to start crushing your postpartum journey!

Understanding Newborn Sleep

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