Sleep Tips for Your Little One

As a parent, ensuring your child gets quality sleep can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, you can create a peaceful bedtime routine. Let’s dive into this week’s sleep tips!

baby sleeping

Helping Your Newborn Sleep Soundly

Bringing a newborn home is a joyous occasion, but it also comes with its share of challenges, particularly when it comes to sleep. Newborn sleep patterns can be erratic, leaving parents feeling exhausted and frazzled. However, with a few simple techniques, you can help your little one sleep more soundly through the night.

Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine

One of the most effective ways to help your newborn snooze better is to establish a consistent bedtime routine. This can include gentle activities such as a warm bath, reading a soothing bedtime story, or singing a lullaby. By following the same routine each night, you signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down and prepare for snoozing.

Leverage Natural Light and Darkness

Exposure to natural light during the day helps regulate your baby’s circadian rhythms. Keep your home bright and airy during the day, and as evening approaches, dim the lights to signal that it’s time to wind down. At night, ensure the sleeping environment is dark to promote melatonin production and better sleep.

Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Creating a comfortable sleep environment is essential for helping your newborn snooze soundly. Make sure the room is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Invest in a firm, supportive mattress. Additionally, consider using a white noise machine to drown out any disruptive sounds that might disturb your baby’s sleep.

Swaddle Your Baby for Comfort and Security

Swaddling is a time-tested technique that can help soothe newborns and promote better sleep. Wrapping your baby snugly in a swaddle blanket mimics the feeling of being in the womb, providing comfort and security. Options such as swaddling with one arm in and one arm out can be tried, but avoid weighted swaddles as they can restrict breathing. Ensure the swaddle is the appropriate size for your baby and made of suitable material for the weather to prevent overheating.

Feed Your Baby on Demand

Newborns have small stomachs and need to eat frequently, which can disrupt their sleep patterns. Feed your baby on demand, offering breast milk or formula whenever they show signs of hunger. This helps ensure they’re getting the nutrients they need to grow and develop while also promoting better snooze. Effective feedings go hand in hand with sleep. If a baby is not eating well, he will not sleep well. If you have concerns about your baby’s feedings, reach out and book a free connection call with me here.

Practice Safe Sleep Practices

Practicing safe sleep practices is crucial for reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Always place your baby on their back to sleep, use a firm mattress with a fitted sheet, and avoid placing any loose bedding, toys, or pillows in the crib. Additionally, consider using a pacifier at bedtime, as studies have shown it can reduce the risk of SIDS. Remember that you want to avoid the use of pacifiers until breastfeeding and your milk supply are established.

Sweet Dreams for You and Your Baby

Bringing home a newborn is a life-changing experience, and ensuring they get the quality sleep they need is essential for their health and well-being. By following these simple tips, you can help your little one snooze more soundly through the night, giving both you and your baby the rest you need to thrive.

If you’re struggling with your newborn’s sleep, don’t hesitate to reach out for support and guidance. I’m here to help you navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood every step of the way. Read more about my newborn & postpartum packages and how I can support you

Sweet dreams, and may you and your little one enjoy many peaceful nights together!

If you haven’t done so already, download one of my freebies! Sleep: Awake Times Guide or Newborn: Why is my newborn so fussy?


Moon et al. (2022) R. Y., Carlin, R. F., & Hand, I. (2022). Evidence Base for 2022 Updated Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment to Reduce the Risk of Sleep-Related Infant Deaths. Pediatrics, 150(1).

Moon, Rachel Y., et al. “Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2022 Recommendations for Reducing Infant Deaths in the Sleep Environment.” Pediatrics, vol. 150, no. 1, 21 June 2022,

Sleep Tips for Your Little One

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