Nipple Shield Use in Breastfeeding

Hey mama, I know breastfeeding can be a beautiful but sometimes challenging journey. I’m here to help you navigate some of those bumps along the way, especially if you’re considering or currently using a nipple shield for breastfeeding. As a mom of 4, maternal/newborn nurse, and IBCLC, I’ve seen how helpful these little tools can be, and I want to share some insights with you.

What Are Nipple Shields?

Nipple shields for breastfeeding are thin, silicone covers that go over your nipple and areola while feeding. They can make it easier for your baby to latch on and suck effectively, especially if they’re having trouble due to reasons like flat or inverted nipples, baby being born prematurely, or baby having a tongue-tie. Think of a nipple shield as a little helper that provides a firmer surface for your baby to latch onto, which can improve your breastfeeding experience​ (Frontiers)​​ (Cleveland Clinic)​.

nipple shields breastfeeding

A Temporary Helping Hand

While nipple shields can be a great help, it’s important to remember they are usually recommended as a temporary solution. Long-term use might interfere with milk transfer and production, so the goal is to use them while we work on addressing the underlying issues. With the right support, you can eventually transition away from them​ (BioMed Central)​​ (Frontiers)​.

Ensuring Proper Milk Transfer

One of the concerns with nipple shields is their potential impact on milk transfer. Some studies suggest they can reduce the amount of milk your baby gets during a session, especially if they don’t fit right or aren’t used correctly. This is why professional guidance is so important. Continuous use without proper support might also affect your milk supply, as it might not stimulate your breasts as effectively as direct breastfeeding does. We need to keep an eye on your baby’s weight gain and milk intake, and regular check-ins with a lactation consultant can help with that​ (BioMed Central)​​ (Cleveland Clinic)​.

Relief for Nipple Pain

If you’re dealing with severe nipple pain or damage, a nipple shield can offer significant relief. It allows you to continue breastfeeding while your nipples heal, making the experience less painful and more enjoyable. However, we’ll also need to address the root cause of your pain, like a poor latch or possible infections, to prevent ongoing issues​ (Cleveland Clinic)​.

Helping Premature Infants

For premature babies, breastfeeding can be particularly challenging. Nipple shields can be a vital tool, helping these little ones latch and suck more effectively. This support is crucial for their development and helps in building a strong bond between you and your baby​ (Frontiers)​.

Monitoring Your Baby’s Growth

When using a nipple shield, it’s crucial to monitor your baby’s growth to ensure they’re getting enough milk. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider will help us track their progress and make any necessary adjustments to your breastfeeding approach​ (BioMed Central)​.

Addressing Specific Breast Shape Issues

If you have flat or inverted nipples, a nipple shield can make a significant difference. By providing a more manageable surface for your baby to latch onto, it can improve your breastfeeding outcomes and make the process smoother for both of you​ (Cleveland Clinic)​.

How to Wean Off the Nipple Shield

Weaning off the nipple shield will take some patience and support, but it’s definitely doable. Here are some tips:

  1. Gradual Introduction: Start by offering your breast without the nipple shield at the beginning of the feeding when your baby is most hungry. If they struggle, switch to the nipple shield and try again later.
  2. Use During Specific Feedings: Limit nipple shield use to certain feedings, like nighttime feedings, when both you and your baby are more relaxed.
  3. Latching Practice: Practice latching without the nipple shield when your baby isn’t very hungry but still willing to nurse, like after a nap.
  4. Support and Patience: Keep seeking support from a lactation consultant and be patient. Every baby is different, and this transition might take some time​ (Cleveland Clinic)​.

Feeling Satisfied

Many moms find great satisfaction with nipple shields when they are used correctly and with the right support. These shields can help you continue breastfeeding during tough times, avoiding the switch to formula and providing much-needed relief during the initial stages of breastfeeding​ (Frontiers)​​ (Cleveland Clinic)​.

A Supported Journey

Your breastfeeding journey is unique, with its own set of challenges and triumphs. Nipple shields can be a valuable tool in this journey, offering a temporary solution to latch difficulties and nipple pain. However, their use should be guided by professionals to ensure they don’t hinder milk transfer and production. With the right support and guidance, you can successfully use nipple shields and eventually wean off them, ensuring a fulfilling and effective breastfeeding experience.

If you’re facing challenges with breastfeeding, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to offer personalized advice and support, helping you navigate this beautiful journey with confidence and care. 

If you’re tired of being tired or are on the verge of giving up breastfeeding, book a free call with me now! Let’s get you the support you need and deserve! You got this mama!

Follow me on social media for feeding, newborn and postpartum tips! Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok


  1. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth: Effect of nipple shield use on milk removal
  2. Frontiers in Pediatrics: The Use of Nipple Shields: A Review
  3. Cleveland Clinic: Nipple Shields: When & How To Use Them

Nipple Shield Use in Breastfeeding

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