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Foremilk vs Hindmilk

The foremilk vs hindmilk imbalance discussion is one of the most common concerns brought up among new moms. Understanding the difference between these two components

mother breastfeeding in pain


To breastfeed is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but it can also present challenges like milk blebs, clogged ducts, engorgement, mastitis, thrush and Raynaud’s Syndrome. Don’t worry, these are common and there are ways to overcome them while continuing your breastfeeding success!

mother breastfeeding

A Supportive Guide to Weaning from Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and powerful bond between you and your child. It provides essential nutrients, comfort, and a unique closeness. However, there comes a time when you or your baby might be ready to wean from breastfeeding. This process can feel overwhelming, filled with questions and emotions.

mother holding a fussy, crying newborn

Fussy Newborn: Tummy Troubles, Gas and Reflux

I’ve seen my fair share of fussy newborns, gassy gurgles and reflux woes. Let me tell you, those tiny cries and squirms can have even the most seasoned parent feeling helpless. But don’t worry! Gas and reflux are incredibly common in newborns, and with a little knowledge and some helpful tricks, you can navigate these tummy troubles with confidence.


Understanding Newborn Sleep

Ah, sleep. That glorious word that seems to vanish entirely the moment you bring a newborn home.  New parents are bombarded with questions, and one of the most frequent? “How much should my newborn sleep?”


Looking for more parenting education?

I love providing tips and education to families.  If you are interested in learning more about a blog topic I haven’t covered yet, let me know here.