Breastfeeding or Formula? It’s Okay Not to Decide Now

When it comes to feeding your baby, the choices can feel overwhelming. Whether to breastfeed or formula feed is a deeply personal decision that can evoke strong feelings. Remember, there is no right or wrong choice—only what works best for you and your baby. In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of both breastfeeding and formula feeding, and why it’s perfectly okay not to decide right now.

Breastfeeding, bottle feeding

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is often praised for its numerous benefits, both for the baby and the mother. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Nutritional Superiority: Breast milk contains the perfect balance of nutrients that your baby needs for growth and development. It includes antibodies that help protect against infections and diseases that formula cannot provide.
  2. Bonding Time: Breastfeeding promotes skin-to-skin contact, which can strengthen the emotional bond between you and your baby.
  3. Health Benefits for Mom

✨Exclusive breastfeeding can provide birth control with 98% protection in the first 6 months which is called Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM).

3 things MUST occur in order for this to be effective:

  • You have not started your period
  • Your baby is only getting breastmilk, or mostly breastmilk, and you’re feeding them fairly often. No long stretches (more than 4-6 hours) between meals.
  • It’s been less than 6 months since you gave birth.

✨Reduces risk of: breast and ovarian cancers, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and postpartum depression.

✨Helps to control postpartum bleeding.

  1. Health Benefits for Baby: Reduces risk of: obesity, diabetes, asthma, ear infections, diarrhea, pneumonia and SIDS among other things.
  2. Convenience and Cost: Breast milk is always available and at the right temperature. Plus, it’s free (if exclusively breastfeeding), which can be a significant advantage compared to the cost of formula.

Another benefit to breastfeeding is that it has less impact on the environment. Less waste, lower energy use, reduced greenhouse gasses and less water use compared with formula production and usage.

The Benefits of Formula Feeding

Formula feeding also has its own set of benefits and can be the best choice for many families. Here are some reasons why formula might work for you:

  1. Flexibility: Formula feeding allows other family members to help with feeding, giving you a break and more flexibility in your schedule.
  2. Monitoring Intake: With formula, you can see exactly how much your baby is eating, which can be reassuring, especially in the early days.
  3. No Dietary Restrictions: Mothers who formula feed do not need to worry about dietary restrictions or medications that might affect their breast milk.
  4. Convenience in Public: Some mothers find formula feeding easier in public or when returning to work, as it does not require pumping or storing breast milk.
  5. Infant health: Most mothers can breastfeed and maintain an adequate milk supply, but for other moms this is not the case. Some mothers may be going through a medical treatment where breastfeeding is contraindicated, in this case formula is an option.

Making an Informed Decision

Deciding between breastfeeding and formula feeding is a personal choice and can be made closer to your delivery date. Here are some steps to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Consult with an IBCLC: A lactation consultant (like me!) can provide personalized advice based on your health, lifestyle, and preferences. We can discuss the pros and cons of both options and help you feel more confident in your choice.
  2. Consider Your Lifestyle and Needs: Think about your daily routine, work schedule, and support system. Choose a feeding method that aligns with your lifestyle and mental well-being.
  3. Educate Yourself: Read reliable resources and talk to other parents about their experiences. Knowledge is power, and understanding your options can help you make a more informed decision.

Stay Flexible: Your initial plan may change after your baby is born, and that’s okay. Be open to adjusting your feeding method based on what works best for you and your baby.

Support I Offer

As a lactation consultant, I offer a variety of support services to help you on your feeding journey:

  • Latch Issues: Assistance with ensuring your baby has a proper latch for comfortable and effective breastfeeding.
  • Pumping Guidance: Tips and techniques for efficient pumping, whether you’re returning to work or need to increase your milk supply.
  • Formula Selection: Guidance on choosing the right formula for your baby’s needs.
  • Offer Feeding Options: Breast, bottle, pumping or a combo, I can help you! If you’re worried about introducing a bottle, follow me on social media. I share tips like this one about doing both breast and bottle feeding!
  • Newborn and Postpartum Support Packages: Comprehensive support to help you navigate the challenges of the early days and weeks with your newborn.

Provide Group and 1:1 Educational Workshops: I frequently teach online classes. Check out my class schedule for upcoming events.

Crystal Nightingale

Empowering Choices

It’s important to remember that your feeding choice is yours alone. There’s no need to rush into a decision before your baby arrives. Take the time to consider your options, seek support, and make a choice that feels right for you and your family.If you’re struggling with the decision between breastfeeding and formula feeding, or need support with any aspect of newborn care, contact me today. I’m here to provide the guidance and support you need to ensure your baby (and yourself!) is healthy and thriving. 💖


AAP (2021, March 9). Benefits of Breastfeeding. Https:// 

CDC (2023, March 27). Lactational Amenorrhea Method. Https://

 NCBI (2023, September 9). Knowledge of lactation amenorrhea method among postpartum women in Ethiopia: A facility-based cross-sectional study. Https://,old3%2C5%2C6 

Breastfeeding or Formula? It’s Okay Not to Decide Now

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